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Tadej Vindiš [tadday vindish] (SI/UK) is a London-based producer, lecturer, curator, artist, and cultural manager working across the creative industries, technology, media, cultural studies, politics, and contemporary arts. He is particularly interested in the fields of virtual immersion, machine vision and artificial intelligence, investigating their cultural implication and disruption.


He is a Lecturer in creative technologies at the University of Westminster, and is part of the curatorial team of KIBLIX International Festival of Arts, Science and Technology. As a Lead Producer of body>data>space in London, he co-curated Bio-Body-Tech exhibition at Nesta’s FutureFest in 2018, and produced and developed projects in partnerships with Innovate UK (UK Research and Innovation), Nesta Innovation Foundation, British Council, Deutsche Bank, Arts Council England, EUNIC London, and Imogen Heap, amongst others. He exhibited internationally, with his practice-based research into Selfish Machines presented as part of the Common Knowledge exhibition of the 26th Biennial of Design (BIO 26) in Ljubljana. Between 2017 and 2019, he co-developed a custom-built head-mounted VR recorder for the Seeing I project, which previewed at Ars Electronica 2019. Vindiš was an Executive Director of the internationally successful Fotopub Festival (2017-2019).


In 2016, he finished his MA studies in Interactive Media: Critical Theory and Practice at Goldsmiths, University of London, under the supervision of Dr Graham Harwood and Dr Luciana Parisi, where he continued as a Visiting Researcher (2016-2018). With a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, he finished his degree in photography at FAMU in Prague (2013).

Selected Partners, Funders, and/or Clients
Innovate UK (UK Research and Innovation), Nesta Innovation Foundation (UK), British Council, Mondriaan Fund (NL), Pro Helvetia Swiss Arts Council (CH), Arts Council England (UK), European Commission (FP7 Framework), European Union (Creative Europe, European Regional Development Fund), European Cultural Foundation (EU), EUNIC London (UK), Deutsche Bank (UK), Ministry of Culture (SI), Ministry of Public Administration (SI), KIBLA (SI), Zavod Projekt Atol (SI), Kino Šiška (SI), Museum of Architecture and Design Ljubljana, Yet Magazine (CH), ARTPRESS – Ute Weingarten (DE), ŠUM Journal (SI), Imogen Heap, Open Practice (UK), Zealous (UK), Plexal accelerator (UK), Organ Vida Festival (HR), Brighton Photo Fringe (UK), arebyte (UK), Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts – FAMU (CZ), Goldsmiths University Digital Cultures Unit (UK).

Selected Press

The Guardian, Elephant Magazine, We Make Money Not Art, Koridor (SI), Artribune (IT), Večer (SI), Delo (SI), Radio-Television Slovenia (SI), Mladina (SI), Fantom (IT), AQNB, The British Journal of Photography, The Photographer's Gallery Blog (UK), Folio Magazine (SI).

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